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How Long Do Lithium Ion Batteries Typically Last?
2024-06-29 17:07:59

Getting the Most Out of Your Lithium-ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries power up many of our everyday gadgets, from phones to laptops to electric cars. These batteries pack a punch with their high energy capacity and lightweight feel.

Battery Life Basics:

A lithium-ion battery typically lasts 2 to 3 years, equaling about 300 to 500 full charge cycles. But how you use it can make a difference—overuse, temperature, and charging habits can all impact a battery's life.

Why Do Batteries Wear Out?

Over time, batteries face increased internal resistance, which can decrease how much charge they hold. Plus, consistently charging to full, or draining completely, can speed up this wear and tear.

Tips to Keep Your Battery Going Strong:

Partial Charges: Keep your battery between 20% and 80% to ease the strain on it.

Temperature Matters: Batteries last longer in mild conditions—not too hot or cold.

Stay Active: Batteries like to be used. Give yours a workout at least every few weeks.

Quality Chargers: A good charger can extend your battery's life. Avoid those bargain-bin deals.

Avoid Heat and Moisture: They're bad news for your battery's health.

By sticking to these guidelines, your lithium-ion battery stands a better chance of hitting that 3-year mark and keeping your electronics running smoothly.

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